Monday, 1 October 2007

Buff Breasted Sandpiper

For the second year running, The Skua cruise was cancelled.
Yippee!. I hate sailing on small boats. But it's a must if you want
good views of sea birds. Just up the road at Flamborough there is
a real rare wader to get and photo. A Juvenile Buff-Breasted
Sandpiper has been seen on the golf course for a couple of days
now. And you dont get many of them on yer yearlist. This
sandpiper is a stunner, don't you think from the photo.
Click-click-tick. Now what do we do? rare birds every elsewhere.
Between the four of us, we decide to drive down to Spurn Point,
some very good stuff there reported. On the way too, Yellow
Brown Warbler, calling in from Siberia..Tick. on too Spurn. Round
the back of the pub at spurn, there's a crowd Rochdale F.C. would
be proud of. Greenish Warbler the quarry. Wasted no time to join
the barbour army. There it was for a moment. good enough for
me..A LIFER! casually slope off to the mudfalts, get some waders
and more year ticks.
An excellent birding trip. We agree to play out together again, If
our better halfs let us.
Total now stands at 170, 30 to go. chewing finger nails now.

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