Sunday, 17 February 2008

It's a duck!

Great news of a second rarity this week for the North West, was a Night Heron present at Mere Sands Woods LWT reserve SD4415, and showing it's head off since Wednesday 13th. Each day I checked the bird was still reported, and praying that Saturday comes quickly. Well Saturday did come, but did the Heron? Not a chance. Book it down to another phenomenon, why do so many rarities disappear Friday midnight? Ah well Marshside RSPB reserve SD3520, is around the corner. Last year, I visited here, hoping to see the American version of our Teal, Green Winged Teal, but was unlucky each time. Today was a different matter. I managed to get a few feet away from it, showing off, (Since January I have had 4 species I failed to see last year). Other notable species included Black Tail Godwit, Stonechat, With Short Eared Owl, Merlin, and Hen Harriers showing on the beach side of the road. Wasn't it hot today?

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