Sunday, 17 February 2008

It's a duck!

Great news of a second rarity this week for the North West, was a Night Heron present at Mere Sands Woods LWT reserve SD4415, and showing it's head off since Wednesday 13th. Each day I checked the bird was still reported, and praying that Saturday comes quickly. Well Saturday did come, but did the Heron? Not a chance. Book it down to another phenomenon, why do so many rarities disappear Friday midnight? Ah well Marshside RSPB reserve SD3520, is around the corner. Last year, I visited here, hoping to see the American version of our Teal, Green Winged Teal, but was unlucky each time. Today was a different matter. I managed to get a few feet away from it, showing off, (Since January I have had 4 species I failed to see last year). Other notable species included Black Tail Godwit, Stonechat, With Short Eared Owl, Merlin, and Hen Harriers showing on the beach side of the road. Wasn't it hot today?

Thursday, 14 February 2008

First twitch of the year.

As I near home returning from Marbury, My sat-nav informs me of a Cattle Egret near bye. That will have to wait for tomorrow. I pray hard that night.

Higher Poynton SJ9483 , Near New House Farm, amongst the cattle, One of a small number of migrant Cattle Egrets that have just arrived up and down the country,on a strong South Westerly, is following cattle, would you beleive. This for me, my only second sighting. The weather is absolutley continental, and the Egrete is loooking comfortable with the temperature. A few years ago the Little Egret was a very rare bird now we have farsands, Great White Egrets are staying the year too. Could the Catlle Egret take a liking to these shores. I think so.

Marbury CP

The first weekend where the sun has come out this year. And I have a couple of days off school. A day at Marbury CP SJ6576, sat in the same spot for 6 hours isn't everybodies cup of tea (in my case a flask), but it certainley gets your mind away from outside pressures. The sunlight is bright, just great to get some shots. I have just missed the Lesser 'B' by about an hour, but I have been missing it for about 15 years now, so I dont care. This is stiil my favourite places to take photos of birds. In the six hours, I have taken 566 shots, and leave only wanting more time.