Friday, 30 November 2007

Swan for the road...

My first trip of the year to the Wirral peninsula.
First stop, Inner Marsh Fam RSPB SJ304744, reports of an easy Green Winged Teal to dip - Yep, I Dipped, for the 2nd time on this species in 6 days. On the way down to the hide, A large number of Bramblings made themselves conspicuous amongst Linnets. A single Black tailded Godwit, was the only bird of note on the lakes - poor. Over on the other (Welsh) side of the reserve, we found 4 Bewick's Swans, amongs Whooper's and Mute's. All three white swans together- a rare sight.
Neston Old Quay SJ2876, chance of stuff here. Lots of Little Egrets, A Peregrine snapped up an unfortunate duck, no sign of Water pipits, or Owls. Poor.

180 - Bewick's Swan.
Nail biting times.

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