Sunday, 10 June 2007

A day with raptors

Well it started with news of a 'mega' rare bird in Dumfries and Galloway. Halfway, I decided to phone ahead to confirm that the bird was present. Sadly it was not. So with me in Cumbria, I thought I would best put my time looking at Cumbria's famous raptors.

Haweswater Res NY4713: Has been home for many years to Britains only breeding Golden Eagles. Sadly the Female has not returned for a few years now. But the male still lives in hope. Allthough distant, great views where had of this huge, majestic Eagle effortlessly gliding, putting every bit of it's 7ft wingspan to good effect..

Bassenthwaite Res: NY2129:Home to breeding Osprey, although you are 1.4 miles away from the nest, the RSPB has many telescopes available for the public to use, and if you are lucky - I was, an Osprey may go fishing and fly much closer to you. At the moment the nest has five young chicks.

Dunsop Bridge SD659542: This years surprise in the bird world was that a pair of Eagle Owls, have raised three chicks. I managed to see all chicks and both adults. Seeing the adults flying, with a wingspan of over 5ft 6 ins, (over twice the lenght of a Buzzard), I will never forget. The whole place was full of other raptors too. Upto four Short-Eared Owls where seen hawking for food constantly,. I was lucky (again!), to spot a Hen Harrier, Peregrine Falcon, Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Raven and Kestrel also hunting for food. A big thank you must go to the RSPB leader - Dave. for saving me a 3 mile walk, upto the Owl site. These special walks are Regularly advertised on the RSPB Northwest website, where you can apply for a permit to take your car upto the site.

In all, we travelled 276miles, and felt like singing 'climb every mountain', from the sound of music many times, today was the best birding day I have had this year.

Years total : 146

1 comment:

Pashby said...

Hi Ste

Just thought i would mention first paragraph, third line, spelling mistake - Cumbria

Speak soon - Paul