Monday, 9 April 2007

Bempton Cliffs - Bird City

It's Good Friday, and I am off to the the East coast. Bempton Cliffs, Nr. Bridlington, is home to almost a quarter of a million seabirds. A short walk from the visitor centre takes you to a number of specially-created cliff top viewpoints, where the massed ranks of gannets, guillemots and kittiwakes can be seen (and smelled!). Close to the top of the cliff, you have a good chance to see colourful puffins, and some spectacular views. BEWARE, although the cliff top is securely fenced, you should exercise caution at all times, unless you want an expensive ride in a helicopter. While I was there, the Helicopter rescue was called out for some poor soul. A truly excellent day out.
Years total now : 106

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