Monday, 12 March 2007

One Swallow, doesn't make a summer..

The first migrants from Africa slowly trickled into Manchester, with news of a very rare bird called a Desert Wheatear. The bird had found itself way off course, in a field, in that magnet (NOT), for all rare birds called Irlam. When I arrived, I was greated by a few hundred twitchers, all with faces like slapped-arses. The bird didn't like Irlam too much, and flown away. Ah-well!. I carried on my trip to Marbury C.P. in hope of catching a glimpse of the much sort after Woodpecker. Alas no. But got some more pictures of the locals.

Migration News: The first Swallow has arrived.

This week, we should see Sand Martins, Chiffchaffs, and Common Wheatears, making a welcome return, with a chance of something rare turning up. The spring migration has begun.

Years total: 85 - New additions: Green Woodpecker & Skylark.


Anonymous said...

Yeah! The Woodpecker arrives.

Natures boy said...

That darn 'little pecker' aint showing.