Sunday, 31 May 2009

Brockholes Quarry

A first trip to Brockholes Quarry near Preston. For years now I have been driving past here, today I give it a go.
A large area, cut for gravel has left several pools and great expectaions. I hear from a reliable source that soon? the area is going to be developed for public recreation, Nature reserve area, Fishing and boating lakes. I can't wait.
At the moment though, we must park up at the gate and view what flys over the River Ribble.
Tons of Hirundines (swallows, Martins, Swifts) hawking over the surface of the river. Above them the watchfull eye of Hobby. Hobbies are regular here, seen many times, if you look towards the church, it usually is seen in that direction. If you are lucky, then close views of it/them? swooping low, hunting over the river. Also seen a Buzzard.
Further info -
A great place to visit, but beware the car criminals, leave only the wife to watch out.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Spring Southport

Downholland Moss 25th April
I couldn't wait for the weekend, The news of loads of good stuff in the Southport area amde my week really drag.
Whimbrel, a bird I haven't seen for a few years now, here in numbers 18. Tons of Wheatears.
I missed a cracking picture of a very close Corn Bunting by milli seconds, the tease. Whitethroats here and there. short drive over to..

Plex Moss.
20 odd Whimbrel here, but the star bird is the Cattle Egret. Upto this morning there was 2. A small flock of yellowhammers also.

Marshide Southport.
Wader city, Avocets aplenty, Black Tailed Godwit plenty. All the usual too included, Redshank, Lapwing, Golden Plover, Ring Plover, but news comes to us while in the hide, that a Little Stint, and 3 Curlew Sandpipers are showing down the road. A long walk, and I have found the birds in seconds - Sorted. While everyone is looking at the peeps, A little Grebe is feeding it's young a few feet away, camera out snap, snap, well about 30 snaps, stunning..
Also my first House Martin, Singing Sedge Warblers all over the reserve too.

A couple of days latter, I write my car off in an accident. Wife breaks her collar bone and we are both are bruised. So I don't know when I will be out next.

Pennigton Flash

Pennington Flash 18th April

Warblows all over the place, Blackcaps,Willow, Chiffchaffs, Even the reedbeds had two singing Reed Warblers claiming territory. But warblers was not what I come for. Two Black Necked Grebes have been here all week (originally 4). A long walk to the far end of the Flash, before I got to see the pair. And what views. No chance of a photo, as they spent more time underwater than on top - up one,two,three and dive for 30 seconds.
Other birds included 4 Black Tailed Godwit, Redshank, L.R.Plover, Little Gulls , Common Tern 2, Wheatear.
Summer is here.