A large area, cut for gravel has left several pools and great expectaions. I hear from a reliable source that soon? the area is going to be developed for public recreation, Nature reserve area, Fishing and boating lakes. I can't wait.
At the moment though, we must park up at the gate and view what flys over the River Ribble.
Tons of Hirundines (swallows, Martins, Swifts) hawking over the surface of the river. Above them the watchfull eye of Hobby. Hobbies are regular here, seen many times, if you look towards the church, it usually is seen in that direction. If you are lucky, then close views of it/them? swooping low, hunting over the river. Also seen a Buzzard.
Further info - http://www.brockholeswetland.net/index.php
A great place to visit, but beware the car criminals, leave only the wife to watch out.