Wednesday, 22 August 2007

..If only here, was in Norfolk.

The map says Hollingworth Lake, a place of beauty. Picturesque it may be with the Pennines in the distance. For a bird, the map says, A place to avoid, too high above sea level, too much disturbance. A scenic walk of almost 2 miles, and the only bird of interest is this single Grey Heron, sigh!! If only the map reads Hollingworth Lake, Norfolk, then we would be looking at 50-60 species, with a few rare migrants as a bonus. The one thing that has increased over the years at Hollingworth, is the number of Sea Launches, which have quadrupled, and all must be tested first thing each morning to see if they still work. Einstein's lesser known theory = launches increased = Bird life decreased...ipso facto. Tonight it looks like Hollingworth is host to the Worlds dingy Olympics/World cup, boats going everywhere, I can't fathom out who is winning, or which way round they should go. One fact is, the birds went west, long ago.

Monday, 13 August 2007

Wader Seasons begins..

August for me is when the wader season really begins. Waders begin showing up anywhere, any many times they are often accompanied with rarities.
Fairburn Ings SE4527:this weekend had a Great White Egret. This, the largest of the Egrets, and is getting more and more common to Britain each year. Once this was ticked, it’s off too..
Blacktoft Sands SE843232: Reports of many species of waders here. So pencil sharpened, book at the ready. Ousefleet and Marshide are the ones to be in. Greenshank, Golden Plover, Dunlin, Black Tailed Godwit, Lapwing, Grey Heron, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Little Stint, Curlew Sandpiper, Spotted Redshank, Redshank, Ringed Plover, Ruff, and Snipe, phew. That’s 15 species. Can’t be bad! And there was the residents as support cast, Bearded Tits, Yellow Wagtails, Marsh Harrier, Barn Owl, Buzzard and more. You should be able to get about 50 species.
August is the best time to get Butterflies and Dragonflies too.
An excellent day out, and some good pictures taken. Looking forward to next week already for some rare waders. Ciao.