For the first time in decades, I missed a trip here in May. So what does it look like in June? certainly more green stuff on the trees..I hate that, can't see the birds for leaves. Another obvious diffence is that the birds are quieter now, so finding Redstart, Wood and Garden warblows are harder. And so it was, that I missed these. Are well! What did I get? The dippers are still active, Grey Wagtail, Common Sandpiper and a pair of Mandarin Duck near Baden bridge. While at the bridge, something made me turn my head to look behind me. A Red Kite circled the fields, giving really good views. Tons of Pied Flycatchers are feeding young. A single Cuckoo flew over (Silent) that was lucky I saw it. A good day to stay in the shade, it was a bit hot out of the woods.